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Community Fund

Horshader Community Devlopment Logo
Our Vision


To support the development of community facilities and community activities which will enhance the quality of life for residents in the Horshader area. To reduce falling population in our villages by making the Horshader community an attractive and vibrant community to live in.

Charitable Aims


These are the charitable purposes of Horshader Community Development:

• Support for the Development and improvement of the community for the benefit of its inhabitants and future generations

• Supporting those who are disadvantaged within the community whether through age; illness; disability; financial; or other

• Environmental and regeneration projects for the improvement or maintenance of environmental or public amenities

• Supporting the Gaelic language and culture

• The relief of poverty and hardship

• Provision, organisation and support of recreational activities for the community.

• The advancement of education through formal and informal education

Horshader Wind Turbine Opening Ceremony

Horshader Wind Turbine Opening Ceremony

Who Can Apply?

The grant funding scheme is open to any resident in the Horshader area i.e. South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore, or constituted community group which benefits the people of the Horshader community and which fits with the charitable aim of the Trust. Individuals within the Horshader Community area are invited to apply for bursaries or training grants for formal or informal education.

Children Enjoying the Community Market
Priorities For Funding

The main objective of Horshader Community Development is to promote community development, including rural regeneration. Projects will score higher if they can demonstrate a high level of community involvement, showing that there is a need for the project; be of benefit to a large cross section of the community; and attract additional external funding. All projects must demonstrate that they meet one or more of the charitable purposes HCD as detailed on the front cover.

Children Enjoying the Community Market

An Eathar Rowing Club
Level of Funding Available

Horshader Community Development is willing to be both a first funder and an upfront funder. Levels of grant awards will be dependent on available funds. Applications can be made throughout the year.

An Eathar Rowing Club

How to Apply

Submit an Application form which is available on the website or request one from the HCD Office, you will then be contacted by the HCD Development Officer who will inform you of whether your application is eligible for a grant. If you are not eligible, you will be informed why and offered guidance and support in re-applying.

Project Evaulation Group Training Session

Project Evaulation Group Training Session

Application Process

Completed applications will be approved directly by the Board. Larger projects will require a business plan and/or a feasibility study.

Receiving a Grant

If you are awarded a grant you will receive terms and conditions which must be read, understood and signed. You will need to keep records of your spend including receipts and present these to the Trust. Grants will be awarded by cheque.

Carloway First Responders - Receiving Funding
Where Does the Money Come From?

During 2010 Horshader Community Development were successful in gaining charitable status followed by the setting up of a wholly owned trading subsidiary Risort Power Generation Ltd. that will build and operate a 900kW Enercon wind turbine on behalf of the trust with all residual profit being gifted to the trust for community benefit.

Carloway First Responders - Receiving Funding

Shawbost Gardening Group

Shawbost Gardening Group

What have we funded so far?

Over the years we have provided bursaries to various individuals in further education. We have also provided funding to the following groups:


• Shawbost Heritage Museum

• Clann an Latha De

• An Eathair Group

• Shawbost Gardening Group

• Carloway First Responders

• Dalmore Cemetery Committee

• Carloway Agricultural show

• Westside Duke of Edinburgh Group

• Carloway Community Association

• Lewis and Harris Piping Society

We would like to wish them every success as they begin unique projects and further education and we hope they will keep in touch with us.


For a full list of the groups we have provided funding to click here


HCD Community Fund Booklet >>

Receiving Bursary Awards
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About Us

Horshader Community Development is a community-owned charitable trust established in May 2005 to plan and run a community wind farm for the benefit of people in South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis.

Company Number: SC277276

Charity Number: SC041092

Contact Info

Horshader Community Development

Raebhat House

North Shawbost

Isle of Lewis



Tel: 01851 701225


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We are grateful to the following funding agencies for their support:

© Horshader Community Development

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