a community-owned charitable trust
History of the Trust
In 2003 a community steering group was formed to investigate the possibility of building a community-owned wind farm on the plateau below Ben Horshader, on the common grazing land of South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore townships. At a public meeting in 2004 the community gave the steering group a mandate to form a limited company to develop a wind farm with all of the profit feeding into community benefit. During 2010 we were successful in gaining charitable status, following which the wholly owned trading subsidiary Risort Power Generation Ltd. was established. The trading arm would operate on behalf of Horshader Community Development to build and operate a 900kW Enercon wind turbine, with all residual profit being gifted to the trust for community benefit. 2012 saw the construction and completion of the wind turbine with the official opening taking place on the 19th of October that year.