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Minibus Services

The Rural Transport Service is a door to door service which is not provided through scheduled bus services, on a non-profit basis, enabling members to have access to services and amenities which they would otherwise not be able to access. The minibus is fully wheelchair accessible, equipped with an on-board mounted electric / hydraulic wheelchair lift.


The service is available to any member of Horshader and outwith, although currently we are supporting the local schools regularly, so there is reduced availability. 


The minibus may occasionally be available for out of hours runs. Out of hours runs are any time outwith the normal office hours, such as evenings or weekends.

The Horshader Minibus parked outside our offices

The Horshader Minibus parked outside our offices

Minibus Hire

Tel No: 01851 701225


* Prices Exclude Fuel Cost

"This service is invaluable to my father and I as I don't drive and it would be very difficult for me to get him to Solas and all the Alzheimer's Scotland events in town. These events provide him with the stimulation and interest and me with much needed respite"


"We are very fortunate and grateful that our daughter gets a lift home, to the door, every day and she just loves being on 'Bus Horshader' with all her friends"


"The Horhsader minibus takes my mother to her day centre in Stornoway, and allows my wife and I to have more of a break from our caring duties, as we don't have to spend time transporting her"


"Before the Horshader bus started we had to hang around town for about an hour and now we can get home straight away when school closes. It's great!"


"We have greatly benefitted from Horshader's mini-bus, give our group now hires the mini-bus at least once a month for our 'NHS Paths for Health' Transported Walks. We've been on outings to many parts of the island such as Aline Forest Walk, Lochs; to Point; Beri Sands Reef, Uig. Our next excursion in the Horshader minibus will be to Rodel, Harris, in March. We've also had the use of the minibus to attend the Christmas Pantomime at An Lanntair in December - and the same evening to PSPA fundraising evening in th Brue & Barvas Community Centre. The Horshader minibus is easy to hire, reasonably-priced and we have generally found it to be available by prior arrangement on the dates required. It is also very comfortable to travel in, no matter how far the distance." - Cathie, Clann an Latha an De

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About Us

Horshader Community Development is a community-owned charitable trust established in May 2005 to plan and run a community wind farm for the benefit of people in South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis.

Company Number: SC277276

Charity Number: SC041092

Contact Info

Horshader Community Development

Raebhat House

North Shawbost

Isle of Lewis



Tel: 01851 701225


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We are grateful to the following funding agencies for their support:

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