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Projects & Services

Blasta Lunch Club Ready Meals


We have secured funding to restart our monthly lunch club after running a devliery service over the past 2 years.  Nutritious, high-quality meals are prepared by local chefs.  Open to all over-65s living between Dalmore and Shawbost.  Check our social media or contact the office on 01851 701225 for info on upcoming lunch club dates.

Prescription Deliveries


A reduced prescription service is currently being offered for people who are unable to pick up their own prescriptions from Carloway Surgery.  The pick up is on a Monday so we ask that you arrange with the surgery and then contact us prior to the Monday, so that we can pick them up and deliver to you.


We have worked with the local Carloway surgery since March 2020 to provide this service.

Community Growing Project

The Community Growing Project has now come to an end. It was set up at the beginning of 2014 following a community consultation process.

Support and Connect Project

The aim of the Rural Support and Connect project is to enable the community to enjoy a better quality of life through the community minibus facility and the handy person service. This project will run until March 2019 and will be evaluated throughout. We are seeking volunteer drivers to support this project.  

To find out more about the project, becoming a member and availability of the service click here

To become a member of the Support and Connect Project click here

Support and Connect Project – Handyman/Grass Cutting Services

The Handyman/Grass Cutting project employs a handy person to carry out a variety of odd jobs.

Click Here For More Info on the Handyman/Grass Cutting Services

Support and Connect Project – Minibus Service

The Rural transport service is a door to door service which is not provided through scheduled bus services, on a non-profit basis.

Click Here For More Info on the Minibus Services

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About Us

Horshader Community Development is a community-owned charitable trust established in May 2005 to plan and run a community wind farm for the benefit of people in South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis.

Company Number: SC277276

Charity Number: SC041092

Contact Info

Horshader Community Development

Raebhat House

North Shawbost

Isle of Lewis



Tel: 01851 701225


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We are grateful to the following funding agencies for their support:

© Horshader Community Development

Privacy Policy

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